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Secre† of †he Na†i, The Collec†ion™
Book Title: Money LiT [BOOK I]
Author/ Narrator: Sage Milian Cartier™
Retail Price: Off The Market; Collector's Items
A Moni'soi Humes Novella (r), Literary Jab™

No Longer Available
Moorish American Fiction
Thank you to all who purchased a copy. This version is now a collector's item.

Subtitle: Love Does Win
Paperback: Volume I
Retail Price: $15.99​
Book Synopsis: Outside forces want to destroy your love life. Sex is everywhere, if you plan to win you must realize that your competition is right at the glance of an eye, a click of the tv, a DM on Instagram, and exactly one second away from you hitting send through text message. Funny thing is that men and women both desire Happy Endings. Moni’soi Humes takes you inside her journey of love, life, & relationships. Love is there for us all. At some point, you are just going to embrace the energetic vibrations & be happy.
  • ISBN-10: 0692629971

  • ISBN-13: 978-0692629970

Paperback: Volume II
Retail Price: $24.99​
Product: THE PR PLAN
Subtitle: Own your Own Brand
Paperback: Volume I
Retail Price: $19.99​
Book Synopsis: Humes experienced a series of events that would change her life forever, the only thing that she could do is embrace the supernatural power of her own brand with a plan. She tells her brand story of how she goes from a near death experience to becoming her own powerhouse. The PR Plan is the ultimate guide to publicity, starting your own company, building your own brand, bossing up, and how to build your own empire. Read and find out, "Why your brand deserves to shine bright like a diamond?" Can the right color, image, or logo drive consumers to engage with you online? Could sharing your story and your hustle change your brand's life forever? What are you waiting for? Own your own brand now!
  • ISBN-10: 0692403752

  • ISBN-13: 978-0692403754

Subtitle: Royal Diadem
Paperback: Volume I
Retail Price: $29.99​
Book Synopsis: Outside forces want to destroy your love life. Sex is everywhere, if you plan to win you must realize that your competition is right at the glance of an eye, a click of the tv, a DM on Instagram, and exactly one second away from you hitting send through text message. Funny thing is that men and women both desire Happy Endings. Moni’soi Humes takes you inside her journey of love, life, & relationships. Love is there for us all. At some point, you are just going to embrace the energetic vibrations & be happy.
  • ISBN-10: 0692629971

  • ISBN-13: 978-0692629970

Subtitle: 7 Day Guide to Meditation, Power, and Living a Godly Lifestyle
Retail Price: $24.99


As Alpha & Omega, God continues to exist in all of the creations created with the purpose to illuminate love, peace, and power. God’s spirit represents all things, the power of the spirit is in knowing how the universe, science, mathematics, laws, nature, and spirituality all work for your good. God proved to us through the most powerful words that we as human all are created to live in omniscient power to live a fruitful, prosperous life as your soul returns to the original source. 


In 7 Days you are guided into mediation & prayer releasing you into power that creates anything that your eyes are open enough to see.You are what you think, speak, and know. Everything that you see vibrates and manifest in the physical & spiritual realm of your life.Take this 7 days of enlightenment to grow and to realize that the only being accountable for living the way God has intended is your energy to manifest increase. It is your choice to free yourself. It is your choice to live in sovereignty.

  • ISBN-13:9780692629994

Subtitle: Dominate your Life
Retail Price: $13.99
Book Synopsis: In order to "dominate your life" you must understand what it is to truly be successful. Many in life want to succeed, but most of us don't understand the depths of what "success" truly means. This book is a journey of the test in the author's life while she traveled on a path of achieving greatness as she learned dominion in her own life. As with anything in life, there are rules to engage in with "success," what to do and what not to do; understanding this is vital to your life. You must learn to overcome your fears and stand in boldness. The congenial way to deal with who you are is to understand that you are not secondary, but you are primary. One's main priority is first to achieve love within our own life by learning and respecting the fact that loving thyself is a fundamental priority too you being a "success" story. The fearless are not afraid to embark on a path of prominence, but the fearful have set their own traps of torment and pain-before they are soon to realize the importance of dealing with pain [P.EELING A.WAY I.NFECTED N.ONSENSE]. Being successful is not brain science. It is fate within the spirit of people that understands their own difference & is more than fearless of their power. As the author reveals her own pain she realize the answers were beyond her reach, so she began by digging deep within her soul as destiny placed the beauty of heavens gifts gracefully in the palm of her hands. You have been blessed as a human being with a God given right to use the power you have been born with to make "success" be exactly what you want it to be - Success is what you make it. "THE POWER OF YOUR WEALTH IS STORED UP IN YOUR IMAGINATION."
  • ISBN-10: 1492305782

  • ISBN-13: 978-1492305781

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